GitLab CI出现错误:Could not resolve host: xxxx

背景:自己在VMware上Ubuntu里搭了一个CI服务器,连接公司的git。不知什么情况,突然报了以下错误:但是我在宿主机上ping我的域名,能够ping通:网上说可能是系统更新的问题,设置了代理,实际情况中,我没有设置任何代理,每次更新,系统我也没有让其更新。执行下列的语句,仍然无效:git config --global --unset http.proxy原因分析:因为我的CI采用的是do...


快捷键:F3                        跳到变量定义处Ctrl+Shift+c     &...

Priority Queue in C# (C#优先队列库)

项目链接: dll下载: 使用示例:using System;using Priority_Queue;namespace Priority_Queue_Example {&...

c# 矩阵计算库Math.Net

c#矩阵运算库: 下载链接:,文档: 运行示例...

WebService 测试工具 .NET WebService Studio

下载链接: 界面:


Jint, Gitbub网址: 编译好的dll文件: 使用方法示例:class Program {     static Jint.Engine _engine;   ...


转自: Word中插入尾注的功能很好地解决了在论文中按顺序插入参考文献的问题,可以方便地进行增删和重新排序。具体步骤如下:1.光标移到要插入参考文献的地方,菜单中“插入”——“脚注和尾注”。2.对话框中选择“尾注”,所在位置建议选“节的结尾”,编号格式为“1,2,3”。3.确定后在该处就插入了一个上标“1”,而光标自动跳到...

How to convert visio file to EPS file?

In this poster, we will introduce a method to convert .vsd files created by Micrososft Visio to .eps files. There are many scenarios to do such things, one of these is when you draw pictures with Micr...

Windows 10/Windows 8 read epub/mobi file

In Windows 10, if you want to read a file whose file extension is epub or mobi, you can refer to App Store, and enter 'book bazaar reader' in the search blank.The book bazaar reader is a great...

A Burden test tool-Apache JMeter

Website: Apache JMeter™The Apache JMeter™ application is open source software, a 100% pure Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measu...