Linux handbook of Kangry

Uninstall programlist all program you have installed: dpkg --listuninstall the program you want to remove, it is a command to remove both program and config files: sudo apt-get --purge remove <prog...

Using Remote Desktop to connect to a Microsoft Azure Linux VM

Source URL: OverviewRDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) is a proprietary protocol used for Windows....

Windows 10/Windows 8 read epub/mobi file

In Windows 10, if you want to read a file whose file extension is epub or mobi, you can refer to App Store, and enter 'book bazaar reader' in the search blank.The book bazaar reader is a great...

A Burden test tool-Apache JMeter

Website: Apache JMeter™The Apache JMeter™ application is open source software, a 100% pure Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measu...


C#画图插件:zedgraph,网址: Gnuplot:, 建议配套使用Ghostscript:

some Chinese fonts are overlap in Word 2016, windows 10

I have meet an issue that some Chinese words in my Word 2016 are overlap, while English characters displayed normally, just looked as the following picture. But when I open the same document in anothe...