Priority Queue in C# (C#优先队列库)
using System;using Priority_Queue;namespace Priority_Queue_Example { public static class SimplePriorityQueueExample { public static void RunExample() { //First, we create the priority queue. //By default, priority-values are of type 'float' SimplePriorityQueue<string> priorityQueue = new SimplePriorityQueue<string>(); //Now, let's add them all to the queue (in some arbitrary order)! priorityQueue.Enqueue("4 - Joseph", 4); priorityQueue.Enqueue("2 - Tyler", 0); //Note: Priority = 0 right now! priorityQueue.Enqueue("1 - Jason", 1); priorityQueue.Enqueue("4 - Ryan", 4); priorityQueue.Enqueue("3 - Valerie", 3); //Change one of the string's priority to 2. Since this string is already in the priority queue, we call UpdatePriority() to do this priorityQueue.UpdatePriority("2 - Tyler", 2); //Finally, we'll dequeue all the strings and print them out while(priorityQueue.Count != 0) { string nextUser = priorityQueue.Dequeue(); Console.WriteLine(nextUser); } //Output: //1 - Jason //2 - Tyler //3 - Valerie //4 - Joseph //4 - Ryan //Notice that when two strings with the same priority were enqueued, they were dequeued in the same order that they were enqueued. } } }
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