Linux handbook of Kangry
Uninstall program
list all program you have installed: dpkg --list
uninstall the program you want to remove, it is a command to remove both program and config files: sudo apt-get --purge remove <programname>
if you do not expect to delete config files, you can use this command: sudo apt-get remove <programname>
Change Time Zone
First, sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Then, select your location
Reboot Linux
sudo reboot
sudo shutdown -t now
Compress or uncompress
.tar: tar -xvf FileName.tar (unpackage), tar -cvf FileName.tar DirName (package)
.tar.gz and .tgz: tar -zxvf FileName.tar.gz (uncompress), tar -zcvf FileName.tar.gz DirName(compress)
Change the password
passwd (username)
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